The support forum is built with (1) General and FAQ forums for common trading queries received from aspiring and experienced traders, and (2) forums for course video topics. How to Trade Price Action and How to Trade Forex Price Action videos are consolidated into common forums.
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How do we go from a 40 % probability of the market moving X units in one direction before X units in other direction, to 40% probability of the market moving two times X units in one direction before moving X units in the other direction (necessary for positive trader's equation)?
They are two different probabilities: the first being the probability for an equidistant move and the second the chances that a setup works. We mainly use the latter when trading but the former can help (I personally don't use it). Both probabilities are coincident when you have a high probability setup but differ when the setup is low probability.
Thanks Ludopuig for clearing that up.