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Missed the first bar
Anyone know how this is an H2
And/or what the rules are for including & ignoring HH/LL and implied PB
See the picture, you don't ignore any HH and HL: The big purple H2 has two legs that subdivide in a wedge (red) and another H2 (blue). This is the nature of the MKT, it is fractal.
Some of the bars are outside bars, which means HH & LL simultaneously.
So are these bars PB continuation or end of PB, and what determines that
How are outside bars counted in bar counting?
They are simultaneously HH and LL
The bars you are highlighting are entry bars (EB), the signal bars (SB) are the previous ones. The EB becoming an outside bar does not affect the bar counting. If you change those EBs and make them non-OU bars, the analysis below does not change except for the second H1: if the following big bear bar didn't become an OD bar, the H1 would not have triggered and therefore the blue H2 would have become a H1 but still would be a purple H2.
If you change those EBs and make them non-OU bars, the analysis below does not change except for the second H1: if the following big bear bar didn't become an OD bar, the H1 would not have triggered and therefore the blue H2 would have become a H1 but still would be a purple H2.
...I do not understand this part (above), but I think I see the overall concept...
The EB becoming an outside bar does not affect the bar counting.
For a general rule, is this correct:
As long as a pullback has ended with an entry bar (Bull=HH, Bear=LL) it is irrelevant if the same bar (entry bar) has a pullback beyond the signal bar.
For an additional PB leg, there must be a new PB bar.
As long as a pullback has ended with an entry bar (Bull=HH, Bear=LL) it is irrelevant if the same bar (entry bar) has a pullback beyond the signal bar.
A bull bar going above the previous bar is not a HH, and same thing for bear bars and LL. If you call this a HH/LL, almost everything is a HH or a LL and therefore it doesn't make sense. A bull bar going above the previous one in a PB within a bull trend ends the leg. A bear bar going below the previous bar in a PB ends the leg.
I'll try to give a clear answer during the week to all these issues, in this other thread:
Not sure if I will be able to accomplish the task but I will give my best!
A bull bar going above the previous one in a PB within a bull trend ends the leg. A bear bar going below the previous bar in a PB ends the leg.
... And if the PB leg is ended on a bar that simultaneously has a PB (an outside bar), the bar is counted as trend resumption and not PB?